Meet Katie!

Let me explain...

Welcome to Willa Jo Photography by Katie Smith! I am a 4K teacher, mom, and wife by day - and photographer by night. I live in New London, WI with my husband, Chris, and our two amazing kids, Beckam and Elsie. I love spending time with family and friends and entertaining. Everyone would say I make way too much food (take after my mom!) but hey - at least no one leaves hungry! If I find time to sit down and relax you can find me curled up in front of the fireplace enjoying a good cooking or home decorating show, or even a documentary or Netflix series. I live for slow mornings enjoying coffee (that I usually have to reheat a few times - because, kids) but the down time doesn't usually last long as I always seem to find something to be done to keep me busy. We love to travel with and without our children - trips to warm tropical places with my husband totally help me get through the winter and are just good for the soul. As a family, you can find us at a waterpark, zoo, beaches, parks, t-ball games, building snowmen and igloos, and watching movies (with popcorn of course). I love decorating and creating spaces in our home that encompass rustic yet modern charm, and have fallen in love with intertwining my style with photography!

So, why "Willa Jo"? Surprise!... with a last name like Smith, there weren't many options that weren't taken by many others - besides, I wanted a name that was unique and had my own flair. When all other ideas failed to live up to what I imagined, I went back to a "list of names" I knew I loved... Willa was a name I added to our list of baby names when we were expecting our little girl. My husband was not a huge fan of the name, but I loved it. And, the "Jo" part? That is after my late Gram, Joanne. She was one of a kind and we miss her everyday. Funny thing is - she would have hated the name Willa and I can just hear her saying "What's a Willa?!"

So, in the end, we agreed upon the name Elsie for our daughter, and now I get to use Willa Jo as the newest addition to our family!

I have always had a creative vision for my own family photos and have discovered how my creative talents and attention to detail come alive behind the camera! I am so excited to bring my visions to life and to share it with you - for you to love for years to come!